5-17-21 Fam Reunion – Mission Preparation

Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It: Create & Launch Your Aff. Business In 30 Days, and Earn $5,000…

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  1. antonio Johnson Super VIP Ecosystem says:

    Crypto is still another form of fiat. It is not fungible like gold and silver.

  2. Mark Daniels says:

    My condolences for your families loss and I pray for you all at this time:). Thanks so much for this update I needed it and am very excited about the future for us all, I look forward to meeting you and the Fourpercent family at future events and Hawaii πŸ™‚

  3. William MS Jallah Jr VIP says:

    Wow, missed the Fam Reunion got back to MN Monday mid Night from Utah after the 7K wkend BLAST. Vick, you’re like in the movies, “THE MATRIX”. About 46 4% family for “wine and dinner”, wow, God bless your heart and multiply all that you’re doing for us. I’ll go back to “Psycho-Cybernetics” a great book to always read. On behalf of my family, have our sympathy for ur grandpa lost

  4. Lillian Borcuta VIP says:

    Dear Vick, Sincere condolences to you and your family. God’s blessings for your family πŸ™β£οΈ
    Thank you for the updates. I missed the Family Meeting on Monday and the poll, but watching the replay.
    Platinum/7K Associate and ready to do my part.
    Thank you for everything! Appreciate you!

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